Anna Aizer. Research Interests Health Economics, Labor Economics, Economics of Children and Families, Applied Microeconomics · Kenneth Chay · Andrew Foster · John ...
Autres questions
What is Microeconomics in applied economics?
Why would economists study Microeconomics?
Is applied Microeconomics hard?
What is applied microeconometrics?
The research interests of this group cover a very range of topics in labour, public and development economics, trade and IO.
Bridget Hoffmann is an economist in the Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank. Her research interests are applied microeconomics.
More recently Lars Hansen and James Heckman have continued this tradition of uniting economics, empirical analysis and statistics in studying economic problems.
My areas of specialization are development economics and applied microeconomics. Using firm and household data primarily from Ethiopia and employing techniques ...
The applied micro workshop has speakers in labor economics, development economics, health economics, and empirical industrial organization.
20 oct. 2020 · Applied economists utilize established theory to build their models for testing and theoretical economists look at things that happen and try to theorize why ...
20 sept. 2023 · Ph.D. in Economics or related field with specialization in Applied Microeconomics and Development Economics. Degree at time of application or ...
Madhulika's fields of interest include development economics and applied microeconomics. In her dissertation, she studies decisions that shape the process of ...
Development economists work in governments, NGOs, think tanks, and academia, trying to incorporate and improve evidence-based policies and programs.