The V5D supports two acoustic transmis- sion systems (HR and traditional PPM). Temperature Sensors (V7D, V9D). Range. Accuracy. Resolution. -5 to 35 °C. ±0.5 °C.
Lotek offers acoustic systems to track a wide variety of marine inhabitants, such as salmon, trout, plaice, cod, crabs, sea turtles, and many others.
Missing: V9D | Show results with:V9D
Overview. Detect if your tagged fish has been eaten by a predator! Take the guesswork out of predator prey interaction with the V9D/V9DT Predation Tag.
Acoustic tags transmit a precise interval or identification code to provide essential presence/absence data for a specific area and time.
Missing: V9D | Show results with:V9D
Oceans Research offers tracking and monitoring equipment which enables researchers to study the movement ecology of thousands of marine and freshwater species.
VR2AR Receiver. Built-in tag and acoustic release enables communication from the surface with deployed receivers to obtain status and remotely release the unit.
These results suggest that surgically implanting transmitters is the preferred method of affixing telemetry transmitters to American eels, especially for long- ...
Missing: V9D | Show results with:V9D
JSATS transmitters come in a variety of sizes, weights, and pulse rate intervals (PRIs) to accommodate a range of fish sizes, study durations, ...
Missing: V9D | Show results with:V9D
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How do acoustic transmitters work?
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What is acoustic telemetry?
Sep 14, 2020 · Surgical implantation of acoustic telemetry tags is an effective method that can provide necessary and previously unattainable data on a species of ...
Acoustic Receivers Acoustic Transceivers Acoustic Transmitters Activities Detections Environmental Instruments Other Instruments Satellite Tags Sensor Data ...