The V9 tag can function as a simple pinger giving location only, or can be equipped with depth and/or temperature sensors. V9 coded transmitters operate at 69 ...
V9 continuous pingers are available in the follow- ing frequencies: 60, 63, 75, 78, 81 and 84 kHz and can be used with a number of hydrophone and receiver types ...
Acoustic tags transmit a precise interval or identification code to provide essential presence/absence data for a specific area and time.
Coded 69 kHz transmitters provide researchers with the means to track and monitor movement and behaviour patterns of a wide variety of aquatic animals.
People also ask
How do acoustic transmitters work?
What is the frequency of acoustic transmitter?
VEMCO - Acoustic transmitters for fish - WUR › show › vemco-acoustic-transmitters-for-fish
A unique and flexible detection system allows individual fish to be tracked and their behaviour interpreted, using a series of detection stations.
Jun 17, 2022 · We found significant differences in detection probability between the four habitat types for both the V9 and V13 transmitters.
We present data characterizing the maximum detection range of Vemco transmitters of variable power output and the percent of transmissions received over ...
For research requiring temperature and depth information, V9, V13 and V16 continuous tags can be equipped with temperature (T) or depth (P), or both temperature ...
Background One of the most important considerations for acoustic telemetry study designs is detection probability between the transmitter and the receiver.
... V9-2x Transmitter (Rounded Case) at $385.00 each for a total cost of thirty (30) at $11,550.00; estimated cost for V13-1x Transmitter (Rounded. Case) $385.00 ...