Innovasea's V6 tag is the smallest transmitter available at the 69 kHz frequency. This allows you to track a broader range of species and lifecycles.
Missing: V6H | Show results with:V6H
Acoustic tags transmit a precise interval or identification code to provide essential presence/absence data for a specific area and time.
Missing: V6H | Show results with:V6H
Acoustic tags, unlike PIT tags used throughout the Bottlenecks to Survival Program, have a finite battery life, but offer greater resolution on a fish's ...
Missing: Transmitters | Show results with:Transmitters
JSATS transmitters come in a variety of sizes, weights, and pulse rate intervals (PRIs) to accommodate a range of fish sizes, study durations, ...
Missing: V6H | Show results with:V6H
Acoustic Receivers Acoustic Transceivers Acoustic Transmitters Activities Detections Environmental Instruments Other Instruments Satellite Tags Sensor Data ...
Transmitters are electronic tags that broadcast a series of “pings” (sound pulses) into the surrounding water. Tags are either surgically implanted or ...
Missing: V6H | Show results with:V6H
People also ask
How do acoustic transmitters work?
What is the frequency of acoustic transmitter?
What is the frequency of acoustic telemetry?
What is the difference between pit tag and acoustic tag?
Lotek offers acoustic systems to track a wide variety of marine inhabitants, such as salmon, trout, plaice, cod, crabs, sea turtles, and many others.
Missing: V6H | Show results with:V6H
FISHBIO uses acoustic tags that transmit sound signals from fish to listening hydrophones or receivers to document fish movement, behavior, and survival.
Missing: V6H | Show results with:V6H
tape deck and FM radio sound to be adjusted for car acoustics and listener preferences. There's also a four-way fader control, built-in FM muting and an ...
Sends alerts to security personnel. Vape Detection, Chemical Detection, Sound Frequency Monitoring, Air Quality. Monitoring, Room Occupancy Alerting, Privacy ...