Given its size, the V16 is best suited for studies involving medium to large species. V16 continuous tags are used with the VR100 active tracking receiver.
V16P pressure transmitters are available in the following full scale pressure options: 17, 34, 68,. 136, 204, 340, and 680 meters. V16T temperature transmitters ...
Coded 69 kHz transmitters provide researchers with the means to track and monitor movement and behaviour patterns of a wide variety of aquatic animals.
For research requiring temperature and depth information, V9, V13 and V16 continuous tags can be equipped with temperature (T) or depth (P), or both temperature ...
Acoustic tags transmit a precise interval or identification code to provide essential presence/absence data for a specific area and time.
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For research requiring temperature and depth information, V9, V13 and V16 continuous tags can be equipped with temperature (T) or depth (P), or both temperature ...
Jan 11, 2016 ˇ Acoustic transmitters are widely used to obtain information on the spatial ecology of fish and other aquatic animals.
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Study animals were tagged subcutaneously in the dorsal area with acoustic transmitters and tracked for 12 months using a fixed array of eight receivers.
May 4, 2022 ˇ • Transmitter model (e.g. V9-1H, V16P-1L). • Transmitter serial number. • Transmitter ID Code and code space. • Estimated transmitter (battery) ...
Range testing of the receiver array is described in Jossart et al. (2017) who estimated 80% detection range for V16 transmitters was 308 m. Fish tagging.