Acoustic Receivers Acoustic Transceivers Acoustic Transmitters Activities Detections Environmental Instruments Other Instruments Satellite Tags Sensor Data ...
Acoustic tags transmit a precise interval or identification code to provide essential presence/absence data for a specific area and time.
Missing: 2LP9L | Show results with:2LP9L
JSATS transmitters come in a variety of sizes, weights, and pulse rate intervals (PRIs) to accommodate a range of fish sizes, study durations, ...
Missing: T- 2LP9L
Acoustic receivers are an integral component of any fish tracking study. They are used to detect and decode transmissions from acoustic tags.
Missing: 2LP9L | Show results with:2LP9L
The Thelma Biotel transmitters are energy efficient and versatile platforms developed for a wide range of studies on aquatic species and submerged equipment.
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Providing Ultrasonic Transmitters, Receivers and Hydrophones for Tracking Animals and Equipment underwater. Sonotronics products are used around the world in ...
One of the smallest acoustic transmitters in the world. The Juvenile Salmonid Acoustic Telemetry System (JSATS) was developed by the Army Corps of Engineers.
Missing: 2LP9L | Show results with:2LP9L
The Pico Tag family represents the smallest acoustic transmitters in the Sonotronics product line. Beginning at .6g in weight in water, these tiny transmitters ...
FISHBIO uses acoustic tags that transmit sound signals from fish to listening hydrophones or receivers to document fish movement, behavior, and survival.
Missing: 2LP9L | Show results with:2LP9L
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