Acoustic tags transmit a precise interval or identification code to provide essential presence/absence data for a specific area and time.
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Acoustic Receivers Acoustic Transceivers Acoustic Transmitters Activities Detections Environmental Instruments Other Instruments Satellite Tags Sensor Data ...
The DSTs (LAT2810ST) were light-based geolocation ... Similarly, a network of 31 omnidirectional hydro-acoustic receivers (model ... migration period and to be ...
When it's used: Acoustic biotelemetry is generally used to monitor those creatures living or moving in deep water or salt water habitats.
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This study used acoustic and archival telemetry data from two lakes in southern Labrador, Canada, to study thermal habitat use during the ice-covered period.
This study used acoustic and archival telemetry data from two lakes in southern Labrador, Canada, to study thermal habitat use during the ice-covered period.
The model AT1810 is a complete, single frequency Underwater Acoustic Transmitter that you control. It is easy to use and takes all the work out of putting ...
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