The Thelma Biotel 9 mm acoustic transmitters are intended for use where size, output power, and long transmitting life are crucial.
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Acoustic tags transmit a precise interval or identification code to provide essential presence/absence data for a specific area and time.
Missing: C- MP9
Acoustic receivers are an integral component of any fish tracking study. They are used to detect and decode transmissions from acoustic tags.
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JSATS transmitters come in a variety of sizes, weights, and pulse rate intervals (PRIs) to accommodate a range of fish sizes, study durations, ...
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One of the smallest acoustic transmitters in the world. The Juvenile Salmonid Acoustic Telemetry System (JSATS) was developed by the Army Corps of Engineers.
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The Lotek JSATS AMT – Juvenile Salmon Acoustic Telemetry System Acoustic Micro Transmitter – was developed to satisfy the research and regulatory requirements.
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Jun 17, 2022 · We found significant differences in detection probability between the four habitat types for both the V9 and V13 transmitters.
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Mar 10, 2023 · This report provides step-by-step directions to assemble an EATAD that can be used for telemetry studies where external transmitter attachment is needed.
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A total of 23 fish were sampled and implanted with acoustic transmitters. The tagged fish were distributed over the three cages as follows: Cage A: N = 7, L ...