The WHS 3250 is an affordable, lightweight, submersible datalogging receiver system that utilizes CDMA (code division multiple access) coding algorithms.
Missing: 3050 | Show results with:3050
UMAP acoustic positioning software provides a means for researchers to compute precise and continuous fine scale fish tracks in two or three dimensions ...
We set up 20 wireless hydrophones (WHS 3050; Lotek Wireless Inc., Newmarket, ON, Canada) fully covering a temperate natural lake (Kleiner Döllnsee, 25 ha ...
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Oct 26, 2022 · We present here a novel, easy-to-deploy, energy self-sufficient underwater positioning system based on the time difference of arrival (TDOA) algorithm.
We tested the capabilities and limitations of a novel autonomous acoustic positioning telemetry system with data from fifteen field deployments off the ...
Jun 20, 2019 · The AUV was equipped with an integrated omnidirectional coaxial hydrophone and acoustic receiver (Model WHS 3050: Lotek Wireless) mounted on the ...
May 22, 2015 · Lake1 was equipped with a wireless version of the Lotek MAP System (WHS 3050; 200 kHz; Lotek Wireless Inc., Newmarket, Ontario, Canada) ...
... 3050, which detects a MAP acoustic signal (76.8 kHz) ... In total, seven WHS 3250 and 15 WHS 2000 acoustic receivers will be deployed around Mobile Bay.
Detections were standardized both to the receiver type (WHS 3050 vs WHS 2000, which had different detection intervals) and the number of days receivers were ...
Acoustic receivers are an integral component of any fish tracking study. They are used to detect and decode transmissions from acoustic tags.
Missing: WHS 3050