Equipped with a powerful microprocessor the new receiver makes use of advanced digital signal processing in order to obtain maximum reception and flexibility.
TBR 700 is a robust, low-power standalone acoustic receiver designed to operate in the 63-77 kHz channel range, utilizing state.
Each cage was fitted with two prototype acoustic receiver units designed to collect, interpret and store the information transmitted by the acoustic transmitter ...
Missing: TBR700L | Show results with:TBR700L
Acoustic receivers are an integral component of any fish tracking study. They are used to detect and decode transmissions from acoustic tags.
Missing: TBR700L | Show results with:TBR700L
This master thesis describes an implementation of an underwater acoustic positioning system for real-time fish tracking in large-scale aquaculture sea cages ...
Oct 1, 2018 ˇ Eight acoustic receivers were used in the experiment (TBR700 from Thelma Biotel AS), with four receivers monitoring each of the chosen ...
Missing: TBR700L | Show results with:TBR700L
Acoustic telemetry comprises attaching or inserting an acoustic tag to an animal that will then be detected and decoded when in range of passive listening ...
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Feb 7, 2022 ˇ Our findings demonstrate the impact of macrophytes and total gas saturation on detection probability and range of acoustic transmitters in a shallow ecosystem.
Missing: TBR700L | Show results with:TBR700L
Two acoustic receivers (Thelma Biotel TBR700 and TBR700-RT) were installed in each of the tanks containing acoustic telemetry tags (Tanks 1 and 2) for ...
Jul 14, 2017 ˇ We tested if it is technically feasible to monitor fish in real-time in full-scale commercial fish farms using acoustic telemetry.
Missing: TBR700L | Show results with:TBR700L