"Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity" from
... Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long - term care facilities who lack decision - making capacity . J Am Geriatr Soc 50 ( 4 ) : 761–7 . 14. In der Schmitten J , Jox R , Rixen S , and Marckmann G. ( 2015 ) . ' Vorausplanung ...
"Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity" from
... Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long - term care facilities who lack decision - making capacity . Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , 50 , 761–767 . Warden , V. , Hurley , A. C. , & Volicer , L. ( 2003 ) ...
"Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity" from
... Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long - term care facilities who lack decision - making capacity . Volicer L , et al ; National Ethics Committee Of The Veterans Health Administra- tion . J Am Geriatr Soc . 2002 Apr ; 50 ...
"Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity" from
... Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long - term care facilities who lack decision - making capacity . Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , 50 , 761-767 . Reynolds , K. S. , Henderson , M. , Schulman , A. , & Hanson ...
"Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity" from
... Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long - term care facilities who lack decision - making capacity . Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , 50 , 761-767 . Volicer , L. , & Ganzini , L. ( 2003 ) . Health professionals ...
"Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity" from
... Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity. Journal of American Geriatric Society. 2002;50(4):761–7. 20. Lwi SJ, Ford BQ, Casey JJ, Miller BL, Levenson RW. Poor caregiver ...
"Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity" from
... Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long - term care facilities who lack decision - making capacity . Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , 50 ( 4 ) , 761-767 . Wagner , E. H. , Bennett , S. M. , References 195.
"Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity" from
... Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long- term care facilities who lack decision - making capacity . J Am Geriatr Soc 50 : 761-767 Volicer L , Rheaume Y , Brown J , Fabiszewski K , Brady R ( 1986 ) Hospice approach to the ...
"Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity" from
... Advance Care Planning by Proxy for Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities Who Lack Decision-Making Capacity.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 50 (4):761–767. doi:10.1046/j.1532-5415.2002.50175.x. Wilson, D. M., D. Houttekier ...
"Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity" from
... Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity', (2002) Journal of the American Geriatric Society 50:761–7. For an extensive discussion on policy and legislation in end-of ...