Nov 24, 2007 · My band has recently recorded a demo and we want to get a professional package together to send to the usual potential clients.
My band has recently recorded a demo and we want to get a professional package together to send to the usual potential clients.
Hi, my band has recently recorded a demo and one of our songs has ended up having a Tool kinda vibe to it. Check it out and let me know what you think, ...
My band has recently recorded a demo and we want to get a professional package together to send to the usual potential clients.
Nov 24, 2007 · My band has recently recorded a demo and we want to get a professional package together to send to the usual potential clients. So we are
My band has recently recorded a demo and we want to get a professional package together to send to the usual potential clients.
My band has recently recorded a demo and we want to get a professional package together to send to the usual potential clients.
My band has recently recorded a demo and we want to get a professional package together to send to the usual potential clients.
Video for "My band has recently recorded a demo"
Mar 22, 2014 · Atherton's Child (my band) has recently recorded a demo! So I wanted to share it on here with ...
Duration: 5:11
Posted: Mar 22, 2014
My band has recently recorded a demo and we want to get a professional package together to send to the usual potential clients. So we are looking for ...
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