Dec 22, 2010 · O'Caml's interactive environment earns special points for clarifying type information in its output and very clearly highlighting the source of ...
Jul 19, 2004 · The ocaml program both runs compiled O'Caml programs and offers an interactive interpreter for quick experimentation. The normal prompt when ...
Oct 11, 2008 · What is O'Caml? O'Caml (or Objective-Caml) is a programming language which permits numerous styles of programming.
May 31, 2005 · Nifty stuff. Taking advantage of a blazingly fast, type-safe language to build a better, more robust operating system.
Jul 23, 2004 · Along with its support for functiuonal programming techniques, O'Caml also offers syntax more familiar to those who have coded in imperative ...
Dec 9, 2006 · Just reasoning about this with your brain, what is the smallest change necessary such that an object of class bar can be passed to the function ...
May 17, 2005 · Tuples are critical to O'Caml, and immensely useful, but their type representation can be a bit confusing. Let's say I enter the following at ...
The O'Caml toplevel interpreter doesn't work if you compile your O'Caml code and name it "program.exe" or "Program.exe". If you do this and try to open the ...
Apr 9, 2007 · I'm not sure why my function there is returning a negative value. I know that once the result becomes too big, the function will result 0, ...
Jan 10, 2009 · Let's say I want to have a bunch of functions that take a default value. code: let foo ?(bar = 42) ...